Lugaru's Epsilon
Editor 14.04

Epsilon User's Manual and Reference
   Changes from Older Versions
      . . .
      Enhanced Features in Epsilon 10
         Dired Enhancements in Epsilon 10
         Searching & Navigation in Epsilon 10
         Grep and Multifile Searching in Epsilon 10
         . . .
         Other Changes in Epsilon 10
      New EEL Primitives and Subroutines in Epsilon 10
         . . .
         New Buffer Primitives in Epsilon 10
         New Process Primitives in Epsilon 10
         New OS-Specific Primitives in Epsilon 10
         New Input Primitives in Epsilon 10
         New Color Primitives in Epsilon 10
         . . .
      Changes to EEL Primitives and Subroutines in Epsilon 10

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Epsilon User's Manual and Reference > Changes from Older Versions > New EEL Primitives and Subroutines in Epsilon 10 >

New OS-Specific Primitives in Epsilon 10

int dde_open(char *server, char *topic)
int dde_execute(int conv, char *msg, int timeout)
int dde_close(int conv)

Epsilon provides some primitives that you can use to send a DDE Execute message to another program under Windows.

First call dde_open( ) to open a conversation, providing the name of a DDE server and the topic name. It returns a conversation handle, or 0 if it couldn't open the conversation for any reason.

To send each DDE message, call dde_execute( ). Pass the conversation handle from dde_open( ), the DDE Execute message text to send, and a timeout value in milliseconds (10000, the recommended value, waits 10 seconds for a response). The primitive returns nonzero if it successfully sent the message.

Finally, call dde_close( ) when you've completed sending DDE Execute messages, passing the conversation handle. It returns nonzero if it successfully closed the connection.

int gethostname(char *host, ?int method)

The gethostname( ) primitive sets host to the computer's Internet host name and returns 0. If it can't for any reason, it returns 1 and sets host to "?". This primitive is only available under Unix and 32-bit Windows.

Epsilon uses the method parameter only under Windows. If method is 2, Epsilon asks Winsock for the computer's name. If Winsock is set to auto-dial on demand, it's possible that this request will make it dial. Any other value for method makes Epsilon ask Windows itself for the computer's name. These two computer names are set in different places in the control panel and are often different.


In Epsilon for Unix, the signal_suspend( ) primitive suspends Epsilon's job. Use the shell's fg command to resume it. When Epsilon runs as an X program, this primitive minimizes Epsilon instead.


In the 32-bit GUI Windows version, the page_setup_dialog( ) displays the standard Windows page setup dialog, which you can use to set printer margins or switch to a different printer.

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New Process Primitives in Epsilon 10  Changes from Older Versions   New Input Primitives in Epsilon 10

Lugaru Epsilon Programmer's Editor 14.04 manual. Copyright (C) 1984, 2021 by Lugaru Software Ltd. All rights reserved.