Epsilon's Brief-style Key Assignments

This document lists Epsilon's built-in Brief-style key assignments. Epsilon also offers EMACS-style key assignments. Of course, Epsilon's key assignments are fully customizable from within the editor.

After these key tables, you'll find an explanation of their format. Each command is linked to its description.

Alt-a                             mark-normal-region
Alt-b                             bufed
Ctrl-B                            line-to-bottom
Ctrl-C                            center-window
Alt-c                             mark-rectangle
Alt-d                             kill-current-line
Ctrl-D                            scroll-down
Alt-e                             find-file
Ctrl-E                            scroll-up
Alt-f                             display-buffer-info
Alt-g                             goto-line
Alt-h                             help
Alt-i                             overwrite-mode
Alt-j                             brief-jump-to-bookmark
Alt-k                             kill-to-end-of-line
Alt-l                             mark-line-region
Alt-m                             mark-inclusive-region
Ctrl-N                            next-error
Alt-n                             next-buffer
Alt-o                             set-file-name
Alt-p                             print-region
Ctrl-P                            view-process
Alt-q                             quoted-insert
Alt-r                             insert-file
Ctrl-R                            argument
Alt-s                             string-search
Ctrl-T                            line-to-top
Alt-t                             replace-string
Ctrl-U                            redo
Alt-u                             undo
Alt-v                             show-version
Alt-w                             save-file
Ctrl-W                            set-want-backup-file
Alt-x                             exit
Ctrl-X                            write-files-and-exit
Alt-z                             push
Ctrl-Z                            zoom-window
Alt-1                             brief-drop-bookmark 1
Alt-2                             brief-drop-bookmark 2
...                               ...
Alt-0                             brief-drop-bookmark 10
F1                                move-to-window
Alt-F1                            toggle-borders
F2                                brief-resize-window
Alt-F2                            zoom-window
F3                                brief-split-window
F4                                brief-delete-window
F5                                string-search
S-F5                              search-again
Alt-F5                            reverse-string-search
F6                                query-replace
S-F6                              replace-again
Alt-F5                            reverse-replace
F7                                record-kbd-macro
S-F7                              pause-macro
F8                                last-kbd-macro
F10                               named-command
Alt-F10                           compile-buffer
Ctrl-<Enter>                      brief-open-line
<Esc>                             abort
<Del>                             brief-delete-region
<End>                             brief-end-key
<Home>                            brief-home-key
<Ins>                             yank
Ctrl-<End>                        end-of-window
Ctrl-<Home>                       beginning-of-window
Ctrl-<PgDn>                       goto-end
Ctrl-<PgUp>                       goto-beginning
Alt-<Minus>                       previous-buffer
Ctrl-<Minus>                      kill-buffer
Ctrl-<Bksp>                       backward-kill-word
Numeric +                         brief-copy-region
Numeric -                         brief-cut-region
Numeric *                         undo

Format of the Tables

The first column of these tables shows a key or keys, and the second column gives the name of the command that it runs. Since the command names are usually fairly descriptive, this should give you a rough idea of the many commands available in Epsilon, though you can always follow the link to see how Epsilon's on-line help describes the command.

Some keys which are not used in Brief, but which are used in Epsilon's EMACS-style key assignments, retain their function even with Brief key assignments. These don't appear in this table. For example, Brief recognizes Alt-letter and Alt-digit keys. Epsilon recognizes those, plus dozens of other Alt- keystrokes, and many of these run commands.

There are also a variety of commands not normally attached to any key. (Whether or not a command is attached to a key, you can always run it by giving its name.) While a few appear in the tables above, most don't. Some of these commands are variants of existing commands, while others are rarely used commands. You can see a complete list of all Epsilon commands.

Last Updated: 1 October 2009